Oct 30, 2010


Today I have tried boost.python and was impressed with its power and simplicity. Using it, I was able to marry an utility-level C++ library with Python 2.6 in just three hours, wasting at least half of the time purily because of my Saturday's stupidity.

The only thing that worries me if I think about providing Python scripting for large-scale application is compilation time of the bindings provided by boost.python -- these templates could eat my PC alive.

Oct 25, 2010

Weird in

Just discoverd that "" in "abc" evaluates as True, which is on my opinion counter-intuitive. It's quite strange that I can't find it listed as a common Python newbies' error. Does everybody read manual then? :)

Oct 24, 2010

Development mode: relaxed

Sorry folks, due to technical complications, release 0.1 isn't gonna happen in October. More realistically, it would be November or December, definitely this year.